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About the Quickporch Stair

Introduction to Quickporch Stairs

The Quickporch stair has developed and improved over the years, especially recently with the integreation of StairLok tread hardware.

Finding Your Total Rise

Doing the Math


After you know your total rise, you can use this sequence to find your number of steps and rise per tread, or you can use the chart below. To arive at a more gentle rise per tread, divide your total rise by 6.5 instead of 7.5.

Using the Chart

Locate your total rise (or a number that is slightly smaller than your total rise) in the inner field of the chart. Then find the corresponding "# STEPS" along the top row and also the corresponding rise per tread along the left column. Notice that some total rises have more than one option.


How to Install


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Quickporch • 5961 East 64th Avenue • Commerce City, Colorado 80022 • 303-287-9166
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